Press Releases for business intelligence data warehousing

  • 1520

    Andolasoft Launches Free AndolaeReminder Service

    Bhubaneswar, India, June 15, 2010- Andolasoft Inc. , a leading quality technical solution provider headquartered in San Jose, CA, USA and having its own development center in India, today launched the much anticipated eReminder service.

    By : | 06-26-2010 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1520

  • 1783

    Andolasoft Introduces Service in Ruby n Rails Development

    San Jose,CA, USA May 28, 2010- Andolasoft Inc. , a fast evolving technological solution provider, headquartered in San Jose, CA, USA and having its own state-of-art development center in India, now offers service in latest Ruby n Rails development technology.

    By : | 06-26-2010 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1783